Subdomain Hijacking in the News Again—What is It?

Subdomain Hijacking in the News Again—What is It?

In recent news, more than 13,000 subdomains of brands were hijacked for a large spam campaign that “leverages the trust associated with these domains to circulate spam and malicious phishing emails by the millions each day, cunningly using their credibility and stolen resources to slip past security measures.”

Our infographic explains how subdomain hijacking happens, and why it’s so difficult to detect.

Subdomain monitoring

At CSC, we understand that it’s a challenge for companies to account for all their digital assets, and recognize which ones are critical, functional, or redundant. Our Subdomain Monitoring solution provides daily alerts of your CSC-managed DNS records, giving you the visibility and contextualized alerts you need to make informed decisions on your DNS zone records to maintain cyber hygiene and prevent a subdomain hijack.