Nudie Jeans Endorses CSC

Nudie Jeans Endorses CSC

CSC spoke with Melker Lindström, Digital Tech lead at Nudie Jeans, about brand protection challenges Nudie Jeans faces in this expanding online world.

“As for many brands in the clothing industry, we see that counterfeit products are being produced and sold in some countries. The primary channels for counterfeit products are marketplaces and social media,” says Lindström.

“We started to work with CSC using its eCommerce Monitoring services. The teams we work with at CSC are really good at identifying counterfeits and unauthorized use of images. When they’re uncertain, they post the listings in a portal where we get a good overview and can leave comments and decide whether CSC should take enforcement action on our behalf or not.

Over time, the team at CSC has been able to work more independently as they have gotten to know our brand, our challenges, and the team,” Lindström adds.

>>> Take a look at how CSC helps Nudie Jeans <<<

CSC helps businesses thrive online. We help effectively manage, promote, and secure our clients’ valuable brand assets against the threats of the online world. From fintech, to pharma, as well as eCommerce, luxury and fast-moving consumer goods, and more, we help consolidate and secure, monitor and enforce, then optimize and promote brands to maximize digital presence, secure digital intellectual property, and reduce costs.

We appreciate such positive feedback from our customers and thank Melker Lindström from Nudie Jeans for sharing their story with us. To add your voice as a customer testimonial, contact us.